BLOG: Discover Wellness

Author Coya Napoli

Understanding & Managing Hormonal Acne

Balancing Act

Acne. Everyone has it and everyone has their own method of managing it, whether it be through a designated skincare regimen, a supplement, or a simple lifestyle adjustment. While most of these methods are fool-proof, there are still some who struggle with maintaining their skin, even if it seems that they have tried every single product or method in the book. If a client has reached this point, it's highly likely that hormones are the true culprit. In today’s article, we will be going over the different types of hormones that affect the skin and how to manage them properly (yes, this also applies to men). To serve as a quick disclaimer, reading this article is not and should not be considered an official medical diagnosis, and it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider or a dermatologist to ensure that the skin is being properly addressed and managed, according to the diagnosis.

Woman with hormonal acne picking at her face.

To begin with, it is important to recognize different causes of acne, as well as the hormones that come into play. There are currently four types of acne that are acknowledged by the Cleveland Clinic: Fungal, cystic, hormonal, and nodular. While other types of acne are primarily caused by genetics or external factors, hormonal acne occurs due to excessive sebum (oil) production caused by fluctuations in androgens, testosterone being the most well-known culprit. The hair follicles are then blocked by the oil, clogging the pores which collect excess skin cells beneath them over time. Indicators of hormonal acne are red, inflamed lesions that may feel painful or sore and typically appear on the cheeks, but can also be found on other parts of the body; severe or untreated hormonal acne can lead to scarring. However, not all lesions become inflamed; whiteheads and blackheads typically remain in their current states until treated or extracted. While this type of acne suggests chemical causes, hormonal acne can worsen because of external factors such as stress, pollution, high humidity, a poor diet, and squeezing or picking at blemishes. Other factors that contribute to hormonal acne include insulin surges, progesterone imbalance, and a natural decline of reproductive hormones (i.e. estrogen) that is brought on by the onset of menopause.

Fortunately, researchers at the Mayo Clinic state that hormonal acne can be managed and treated in several ways depending on the type and severity. Topical creams, like tretinoin, are recommended for the treatment of blackheads and whiteheads, as they work partly by keeping the pores clear. Inflammatory and moderate to severe acne is a little more tricky, yet typically treated with topical antibiotics or benzoyl peroxide; not only do these treatments clear the pores and reduce inflammation, but they also provide antibacterial properties that reduce sebum production. Cystic acne is typically treated with steroid injections such as intralesional triamcinolone, which interacts directly with the hormones by calming inflammation and overactive immune systems. Other ways to manage hormonal acne include a skincare routine tailored to specific types and concerns, oral contraceptives, diet adjustment, laser therapy, and light therapy.

A woman's hand holding a scale.

In conclusion, hormonal acne presents a complex and often frustrating challenge for many individuals, particularly during phases of hormonal fluctuation such as puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. While treatments like topical medications, oral contraceptives, or even lifestyle adjustments can offer relief, understanding the underlying hormonal imbalances is crucial for effective management. By working closely with healthcare professionals and adopting a holistic approach to skincare and hormonal health, individuals can empower themselves to navigate and mitigate the impact of hormonal acne, ultimately promoting clearer, healthier skin and improved overall well-being.

Blog Author: Coya Napoli


Blog Author: Coya Napoli

This blog post was created with the assistance of ChatGPT. The information provided by ChatGPT has been verified, reviewed, and edited by the author for accuracy and clarity. For more information about ChatGPT, visit OpenAI's website here.

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